
2 year term + 2 years as past president

  1. The liaison of the chapter to APLD Headquarters (HQ).

  2. Determines the overall direction, approach, and message.  

  3. Delegates tasks for chapter goals, message, focus, programming, sponsors, etc. 

  4. Recruits members for board positions.  

  5. Participates in chapter president calls.  

  6. Sets agenda for meetings and leads Board meetings.

  7. Oversees the board, and represents APLD at state and HQ levels.  

  8. Attends program events for the chapter.  

  9. Track monthly meeting attendance.

  10. Provides input on the annual budget.

Vice President

2 year term + 2 years as president + 2 years as past president

  1. Aids the president as requested.

  2. Attends chapter board meetings and participates as a committee liaison for current active committees and board members.  

  3. Recruits committee leadership.

  4. Develops an understanding of the role of chapter president.

  5. Provides input on the annual budget.

Past President

2 year term

  1. Shares experience and insight into current and future goals with tasks for the chapter.  

  2. Aids the president elect and current president.

  3. Recruits committee leadership.

  4. Supports activities of Board and Chapter, filling in roles as needed. 

  5. Provides input on the annual budget. 


2 year term staggered opposite years of president

  1. Keeps chapter membership lists current. 

  2. Attends board meetings. 

  3. Drafts, revises and distributes minutes of all meetings of the board for comments and revisions.  

  4. Keeps all board records.  

  5. Checks chapter email and forwards or responds, as appropriate. 

  6. Secretary is a member of the Marketing Committee.

  7. Provides input on the annual budget.


2 year term staggered opposite years of president

  1. Tracks financials and assesses spending. 

  2. Provides payment for all chapter needs. 

  3. Files quarterly financial reports.  

  4. Maintains records of the chapter accounts. 

  5. Serves as liaison with HQ regarding financial issues.  

  6. Prepares annual budget for chapter. 


3 year term

  1. Definition: an officer whose duties are not fixed but instead vary according to the needs of the Association and as directed by other members of the Board. 

  2. Attends Board meetings.

  3. Fills in Board roles and Committee roles as needed. 

  4. Serves as mentor to new Board members.

  5. May transition into a vacant Officer role.

  6. Participates in strategic planning, budget planning and approval.

  7. Provides input on the annual budget.